Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Uncountable Nouns

It doesn't take much for me to cry. It runs in the blood, we say. My mum's side . A family joke. It's almost inevitable for my mum or her sister to start sniff-ing (and later, let out a sob or two) during family gatherings; it's so inevitable that we're sure to spot an uncle or two yawning in a corner and not paying the slightest attention nor trying to summon a sympathetic look in the least. I take after my mum, and oh, what a thing to take after. Sometimes I detest it so much. I cry so easily. I'm a "jepsu" as Aos would call it. Little things like some childhood memory of Christmas, a kind unexpected gesture, a scene from a movie that reminds me of some place I've been to or seeing a person that looks like someone dear to me can make my eyes well up with tears.

So it's really no big surprise that I felt a little emotional as I was typing the last lesson plan for this term. It's just the thought of doing something for the last time (for this year at least) I said to myself. Today being the last day of class before the students take their test tomorrow, I thought it'd be a nice treat for them to have some food and drinks. So over some pizza and some iced tea, we did a review of the things we had learned over the term. But more than the review, I enjoyed the fact that the students are already so fluent in the language to be able to converse about topics like education, corruption, what they've become better at over the course of the term, the dreams they have, the changes they want to see in their country. the " little" contributions they'd make to make life better. The students are really bright and it's such a remarkable feat that they have reached the Upper Intermediate level and have learned a second language with such proficiency.

So after a class like that, and given my history of jepsu-ness, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at myself as my eyes welled up with tears after I left the class. I felt it strong and I felt it deep. I'm an emotional person- the feeling-feeling type, if you please. But I had a moment there and small though it may be, it was a moment of triumph for me. A milestone of sorts and a reflection of how blessed I am. And I in all my inherited emotional glory received it as an addition to the unending list of blessings.

We did Countable and Uncountable nouns this term. Makes one wonder if blessings are really uncountable or countable.