Wednesday, November 24, 2010


No, I didn't go snorkeling. But I went Lao river-fishing. Of course I didn't wear that. This was just for a photo. We hardly caught any fish. But it was quite fun. We had to go on boats down the river to the other side. I screamed like mad when two of the girls took me on a test ride. The boat bobbed around like crazy. I don't know how to swim and I don't know how deep the water was but if I've had a near-drowning experience in the shallow end of a pool, you know what I can be capable of.

One of the girls was a fisherman's daughter. So she knew her stuff. She knew the pretty waterfalls and the way around them. She knew how to steer the boat. She knew what to do. She led me by my hand and took me into the foliage, up to the falls, cautioning me to place my foot on this rock not that. She knew the place. I almost felt like calling her "Pocahontas". She even had her long hair tied up in a side pony tail. Not that Pocahontas ever did, or could have. You never know.

Since there was nothing much happening at the fish-catching front, I ended up collecting some shells on the river bank and chewing burnt buffalo hide tossed in coal over an old woman's fire which we kinda took over.

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